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about me

Günter Westphal


Following an almost 3 decades long career in the professional service business (Wirtschaftsprüfer/Certified public accountant), of which 16 years as a Partner in one of the big 4 Consultancy firms, I have recently found my calling – to professionally help others! So I started to train and work as an executive coach and certified leadership trainer (LDI) for individuals, teams and groups and to support transforming organizations.

To even better live that, I have recently founded my own coaching & consulting business and I am also a co-founder of “MovingMountains”, a professional leadership & Coaching company, focusing on bringing nature & movement with Coaching & Leadership Development together in the mountains.

Additionally I started in 2018 my training as Gestalt Therapist with a professional Gestalt Institute based in Leipzig/Germany. I now work with people and teams as a supportive and empathetic executive and career Coach. I focus on helping my clients understand themselves better at work, their life challenges and their goals. I am helping my clients to move forward filled with confidence, a new energy and with a renewed sense of purpose, power and peace. I engage with people in a spirit of respect, confidentiality and total focus on serving them to realise their true potential.

Overall – including the time as a consultant - I have so far worked for almost a decade as a coach and trainer with senior executives and higher management both from businesses as well as the NGO sector, where empathy, listening, tuning in combined with an open mind and open heart allows me to connect in a unique way.

Günter Westphal


Like you, I have had to deal with the ups and downs of life and a working career (mine has spanned three decades). This has meant extensive international travel, getting married and separated, living in different countries, choosing to change roles and responsibilities, and sometimes not wanting to change but having to! I have met many people and my life experiences have led me to believe that I am good and passionate at supporting others AND that sometimes we can use the help of trusted others to focus on what we really want both in our working as well as private environment. These two things together were the main reasons I trained myself and now offer executive, career and life coaching.

Additionally, in my professional career I have met many people on a higher management level who were technically brilliant, however were quite often lacking leadership skills. That for me equals, that they were lacking consciousness. I really started to get interested in Leadership with listening to some people being very much visible in that area like Simon Sinek. Soon I become very passionate about this topic and was searching for the best seminars/courses in that field. 3 years ago I have found one and fell in love with what I consider one of the best seminars in that field. This is the Leadership Development Intensive (link LDI), which I believe can be a gateway to transform the world at work. I am also designing and facilitating Leadership related workshops.

And my current third point of interest is Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) (, a theoretical and pragmatic model for understanding the dynamic forces at work in human development and change processes. This Theory is describing the values systems through which all societies and organisms go through, which helped me to understand the world and our economies and society as well as the world of organizations so much better. I am using SDi as a basis for doing transformation projects with teams and organizations.

And with all this change happening, I also believe that each individual, that we all have the immense power of choice in our lives. A choice who we choose to be and a choice how we want to be at home and at work, how we impact ourselves, our partners, friends, teams and others, and what we choose to do and aspire to achieve. With that choice comes responsibility, a sense of purpose and challenge. Yet sometimes we lose sight of how we are/what is holding ourselves back and how we can choose to change. I work with you to hear yourself thinking more clearly and move yourself forward - Forward to where you want to be and to become that great person and leader you already are.


As a Leader and a human being you don’t have to change yourself, you have to come home to yourself - and that changes everything.