Following an almost 3 decades long career in the professional service business (Wirtschaftsprüfer/Certified public accountant), of which 16 years as a Partner in one of the big 4 Consultancy firms, I have recently found my calling – to professionally help others! So I started to train and work as an executive coach and certified leadership trainer (LDI) for individuals, teams and groups and to support transforming organizations.

Including the time as a consultant - I have so far worked for almost a decade as a coach and trainer with senior executives and higher management both from businesses as well as the NGO sector, where empathy, listening, tuning in combined with an open mind and open heart allows me to connect in a unique way.


I'm here for you


„As a leader and a human being, you don’t have to change yourself, you have to come home to yourself, that changes everything“ – Dr John J Scherer

This has been a very inspirational quote for me and has led me to my Greater Purpose Statement (GPS). As I am the author of my own life I have realised, that nothing gives me as a person inner wholeness and peace like a distinct understanding of where I am going. This is for me „home“, where my soul resides…and „home“ is well described in my GPS:

„Safe, connected and deeply loved, I let my inner light shine. Acknowledging the human side in both of us, I use my gentle power and passion to shake us awake. Fully a man and strong in my body I am a charismatic changer of systems, transforming lives and healing the wounds of the worlds. Then.Love.Flows!”
- GPS Günter Westphal


“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” - Nelson Mandela

In my coachings I help my clients to face some of the fears and in fact that very often changes a lot in their lives and helps them find their direction.

Fulfilled people have a definite sense of direction. They have a clear understanding of what they are looking for in life. They look forward and decide where they want to be. Their day to day actions helps them move closer to their vision. Once you find your why, you will be more careful and selective about your daily actions.

I use systemic, gestalt and integral coaching elements in my coaching approach which allows me to engage with the client on a holistic and authentic and Overall more supportive way.


"The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them." - John Maxwell

True leaders have authenticity and integrity as those values are at the very core of their influence. Living and demonstrating values they believe in is what gives them credibility and allows others to place their trust in them. ... True leaders work right alongside the people they lead in order to get to know them. True leaders engage both HEAD & HEART and do not only focus on the right results and achievements but at the same time focus on the people they are leading. True leaders are aware and care - This is where my focus is.


„If you Change the way you look at things, the things you look at change“ – Dr Wayne Dyer

To help organisations to grow I help them Looking at things differently using the integral model from Ken Wilber. That means for me a holistic, multi-layered approach to supporting companies in a different and yet sustainable way.

A clear, understandable and authentic vision of the future opens up development perspectives for the company and creates a new direction. All areas of an Organisation will be looked at and nothing left out. Relevant processes and structures, leadership behaviour and skills, corporate cultures and communicatino and inner attitudes and motivation are being tested.


only I can change my life.
No one can do it for me.